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What is INTUITION? And 7 Ways to Increase It!

Intuition is a complex psychological phenomenon that has been the subject of much scientific research. Here are some findings from recent studies on intuition:

  1. Intuition involves unconscious processing: Research has shown that much of our intuition operates on an unconscious level, meaning we may not be aware of how we arrive at a decision or feeling. This can be explained by the fact that our brains process vast amounts of information outside of our conscious awareness.

  2. Intuition can be improved with practice: Studies have found that practicing tasks that involve intuitive decision-making can improve our ability to use intuition in other areas of our lives. For example, practicing meditation can help increase our awareness of our inner voice and improve our intuition.

  3. Intuition can be influenced by emotions: Emotions are a key factor in intuition, and research has shown that our emotional state can influence our intuitive responses. For example, positive emotions can lead to more accurate intuitive judgments, while negative emotions can lead to less accurate judgments.

  4. Intuition can be a useful complement to rational thinking: While rational thinking is important for decision-making, intuition can provide valuable insights and help us make decisions more efficiently. Studies have found that combining intuition with rational thinking can lead to better decision-making outcomes.

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or inner knowing that guides us in decision-making and problem-solving. While some people may seem to have a natural talent for intuition, it is possible to increase your own intuition with practice and mindfulness. Here are seven ways to do so:

  1. Meditate regularly: Meditation can help quiet your mind and increase your awareness of your thoughts and feelings. This can help you tune into your intuition and better understand your inner voice.

  2. Trust your instincts: Trusting your instincts means listening to your gut feelings and inner voice, even when they may not make logical sense. Practice making decisions based on your intuition and see how it works out for you.

  3. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, which can help you tap into your intuition.

  4. Pay attention to your dreams: Your dreams can be a source of intuitive guidance. Keep a dream journal and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, then look for patterns and symbols that may reveal messages from your intuition.

  5. Get in touch with your emotions: Emotions are a key part of intuition. Practice identifying and expressing your emotions in healthy ways, which can help you better understand your inner voice.

  6. Engage in creative activities: Creative activities such as painting, writing, photography, or playing music can help you tap into your intuition and express your inner voice in new ways.

  7. Spend time in nature: Nature has a way of quieting our minds and connecting us to our intuition. Spend time in natural settings and pay attention to the feelings and sensations you experience.

In summary, science has shown that intuition is a complex and nuanced phenomenon that can be powerful. By understanding how intuition works and practicing ways to improve it, we can better access our inner wisdom and make more informed decisions. Remember that increasing your intuition is a process that takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and trust that with practice, you can strengthen your intuitive abilities.

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